Mobile pay - Gratis forsendelse ved køb over 600 kr.

Relaxe and ignore plakat

350.00 kr
VAT included. Delivery is calculated upon payment.

Relaxe and ignore plakat.
Poster size: 50 x 70 cm.
Plakat af Sissan Richardt.

Om Sissan Richardt
Sissan Richardt er dansk kunstner og illustrator. Siden 2005 har hun lavet illustrationer til blade, aviser, bogomslag og børnebøger og er uddannet på Designskolen i Kolding. For at det ikke kun skulle handle om specialfremstillede værker og for at udtrykke sine egne ideer og inspiration, startede hun i 2015 med at designe plakater, som hun nu sælger til butikker rundt om i verden. 

Skab din egen plakatvæg og gå på jagt i vores nøje udvalgte plakater. Vi sælger kun plakater vi selv vil købe.
The posters in our shop are printed on environmentally friendly FSC paper and in the best quality.
We ship with DAO or PostNord and ship within 24 hours. We always ship to the nearest delivery point.
You are always welcome to contact us and we will return quickly.
Happy shopping and hope you will be happy with your possible future purchase.


Safe and fast shipping / Return policy / Customer service every day of the week

Questions - write or text / or text 20259834
Our posters are printed on FSC labelled paper, which means we protect the environment as much as possible.
We take great care with packaging and send your purchase safely.
We ship quickly, but pickup in Copenhagen is also possible.
Free shipping over DKK 600.
Super customer service every day of the week.

Svensk design i topklasse

Plakter, pudebetræk og andet til boligen fra Fine Little Day - stort udvalg - se det hele her...